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AO1 Foundations Course
Foundations Course Introduction
Cheat Sheets to download
Athlete Waiver
WEEK 1 - Module 1
Foundation Mindset 1.1
Fitness Tutorials 1.1 (2:57)
Foundations Workout 1.1 (8:53)
WEEK 1 - Module 2
Foundation Mindset 1.2
WEEK 1 - Module 3
Foundation Mindset 1.3
Goblet Squat Tutorial (0:29)
Front Squat Tutorial (0:32)
One Arm Overhead Squat Tutorial (0:30)
Foundations Workout 1.3
WEEK 1 - Module 4
Foundations Mindset 1.4
WEEK 1 - Module 5
Friday Mindset 1.5
Demo clips of Cardio Movements (1:39)
Double Unders Tutorial (0:47)
Burpees Tutorial (1:13)
Foundations Workout 1.5 (2:33)
End of Week 1 Notes
WEEK 2 - Module 1
Foundation Mindset 2.1
Shoulder Press Tutorial (0:29)
Push Press Tutorial (0:31)
Push-ups Tutorial (1:01)
Foundations Workout 2.1 (4:58)
WEEK 2 - Module 2
Foundation Mindset 2.2
WEEK 2 - Module 3
Foundation Mindset 2.3
Good Mornings Tutorial (0:50)
Romanian Deadlifts Tutorial (0:35)
Demo Clips of Core Movements (2:34)
Foundations Workout 2.3 (3:09)
WEEK 2 - Module 4
Foundation Mindset 2.4
WEEK 2 - Module 5
Foundation Mindset 2.5
Deadlift Tutorial (0:51)
Sumo Deadlift High Pull Tutorial (0:21)
Dumbbell or Kettlebell Swing Tutorial (0:38)
Foundations Workout 2.5 (3:03)
End of Week 2 Notes
WEEK 3 - Module 1
Foundation Mindset 3.1
Olympic Lifting Intro
Hang Power Clean Tutorial (0:20)
Hang Power Snatch Tutorial (0:16)
Foundations Workout 3.1 (5:47)
WEEK 3 - Module 2
Foundation Mindset 3.2
WEEK 3 - Module 3
Foundation Mindset 3.3
Power Clean Tutorial (0:16)
Power Snatch Tutorial (0:36)
Foundations Workout 3.3 (2:11)
WEEK 3 - Module 4
Foundation Mindset 3.4
WEEK 3 - Module 5
Foundation Mindset 3.5
Hang Squat Clean Tutorial (0:25)
Hang Squat Snatch Tutorial (0:35)
Foundations Workout 3.5 (4:32)
End of Week 3 Notes
WEEK 4 - Module 1
Foundation Mindset 4.1
Squat Clean Tutorial (0:25)
Squat Snatch Tutorial (0:28)
Foundations Workout 4.1 (2:05)
WEEK 4 - Module 2
Foundation Mindset 4.2
WEEK 4 - Module 3
Foundation Mindset 4.3
Pullup Variations (2:23)
Foundations Workout 4.3 (2:39)
WEEK 4 - Module 4
Foundation Mindset 4.4
WEEK 4 - Module 5
Foundation Mindset 4.5
Toes to Bar Variations (2:08)
Thruster Tutorial (1:03)
Foundations Workout 4.5 (2:34)
What Happens Next?
Fitness Assessment
Fitness Assessment
Fitness Tutorials Video Vault
01 - Hollow Body (0:33)
02 - Squat (0:28)
02a - Box Squat (0:29)
02b - Wall Squat (0:29)
02c - Platform Squat (0:29)
02d - Banded Squat (0:29)
03 - Goblet Squat (0:29)
07 - Burpee (1:13)
05 - One Arm OH Squat (0:30)
06 - Double Under (0:47)
04 - Front Squat (0:32)
09 - Push Press (0:31)
08 - Shoulder Press (0:29)
10 - Push-up (1:01)
11 - Good Mornings (0:50)
12 - Romanian Deadlifts (0:35)
13 - Deadlifts (0:51)
14 - Sumo Deadlift High Pull (0:21)
15 - DB-KB Swing (0:38)
16 - Hang Power Clean (DB) (0:20)
17 - Hang Power Clean (KB) (0:17)
18 - Hang Power Snatch (DB) (0:16)
19 - Hang Power Snatch (KB) (0:17)
20 - Power Clean (DB) (0:16)
21 - Power Snatch (DB) (0:36)
22 - Power Snatch (KB) (0:37)
23 - Hang Squat Clean (DB) (0:25)
24 - Hang Squat Clean (KB) (0:31)
25 - Hang Squat Snatch (DB) (0:35)
26 - Hang Squat Snatch (KB) (0:25)
27 - Squat Clean (DB) (0:25)
28 - Squat Snatch (DB) (0:28)
29 - Squat Snatch (KB) (0:32)
30 - Strict Pull Up (0:17)
30a - Lat Pulldown (0:21)
30b - Jumping Pull Up (0:12)
30c - Ring Row (0:14)
30d - Banded Pull Up (0:26)
30e - Kipping tutorial (0:23)
31 - Kipping Toes to Bar (0:23)
30f - Kipping Pull-ups (0:30)
31a - Laying Leg Raises (0:40)
31b - Hanging Knee Raises (0:17)
31c - Hanging Leg Raises (0:16)
31d - Strict Toes to bar (0:16)
31e - Kipping Knees to Chest (0:16)
32 - Thrusters (0:21)
33a - Lsit DB press (HSPU) (0:14)
33b - HSPU variation on box (0:29)
33c - HSPU kipping (0:31)
34 - Reverse Burpees (0:19)
35c - Pistols variation on a box (0:20)
Demo 1 - Skipping (0:19)
Demo 2 - Jumping Jacks (0:19)
Demo 3 - Mountain Climbers (0:19)
Demo 4 - High Knees (0:19)
Demo 5 - Walking Lunges (0:23)
Demo 7 - Bird Dog (0:20)
Demo 6 - Plank (0:20)
Demo 8 - Deadbug (0:26)
Demo 9 - Glute Bridge (0:21)
Demo 10 - V Sit Twist (0:21)
Demo 11 - Penguin Taps (0:20)
Demo 12 - Ab Mat Situps (0:26)
Demo 13 - Box Jump (0:17)
35 - Pistols (0:22)
35a - Pistols variation lunges (0:16)
35b - Pistols variation box step up (0:16)
33 - HSPU strict (0:15)
Kettlebell Variations
Kettlebell Tutorials
Hang Power Clean (Kettlebell) (0:17)
Hang Power Snatch (Kettlebell) (0:17)
Power Snatch (Kettlebell) (0:37)
Hang Squat Clean (Kettlebell) (0:31)
Hang Squat Snatch (Kettlebell) (0:25)
Squat Snatch (Kettlebell) (0:32)
Bonus Fitness Articles
Scaling is not Failing
Why Functional Fitness
Constantly Varied Fitness
Pyramids of Progress
How to score a workout
Foundation Mindset 4.1
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